
发布时间:2021-04-13 16:45:00

Quanterix 数字式单分子免疫阵列分析仪

Quanterix Single Molecular Array


型号:SiMOA HD-X Analyzer


单分子免疫阵列(Single Molecule Array, Simoa),集合了磁珠免疫双抗体夹心法、单分子阵列技术和数字式分析技术等为一体,可以检测蛋白、核酸和其它生命相关的小分子。检测灵敏度比目前市场上传统的免疫技术平均高出100-1000倍。此平台可对传统方法无法检测到的低浓度生物标志物进行准确分析,为生命科学研究、体外诊断和血液筛查等领域开创了新的研究前景。

The technique, known as Single Molecule Arrays (Simoa), integrates magnetic bead based double antibody sandwich method, single molecule array technology and digital analysis technology, and can be used to detect proteins, nucleic acids and biologically relevant small molecules. Most importantly, Simoa has the ability to improve the limit of detection of conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) by 100 - 1000 fold. This platform can analysis difference biomarkers that may be unobservable by other technologies, opening up a promising prospect for life science, in vitro diagnostics and blood screening.