
发布时间:2021-04-13 16:39:00


Agilent NovoCyte Flow Cytometer


型号:NovoCyte 3000RYB


流式细胞分析是一种强大的技术,用于以每秒数千个细胞的速率定量测量悬浮液中的单个细胞及其他颗粒。流式细胞分析最常用于免疫学领域中,也已开始应用于环境研究、细胞外囊泡分析中,具有多达 30 多种不同参数进行更全面分析的能力。


Flow cytometry is a powerful technique used to quantitatively measure individual cells and other particles in suspension at a rate of thousands of cells per second. Flow cytometry analysis is most commonly used in the field of immunology, and has also begun to be used in environmental research and extracellular vesicle analysis. It has the ability to perform more comprehensive analysis of more than 30 different parameters.

Agilent flow cytometers provide outstanding features, high-quality data, and an easy-to-use platform, saving researchers the time it takes to collect and analyze data.