
高重频可调谐脉冲激光器 光纤飞秒激光系统
发布时间:2021-04-13 22:03:00

光纤飞秒激光系统(BlueCut, Menlo)可以输出高功率重频可调的飞秒激光脉冲,波长为1030 nm,最大功率可达10 W,脉宽最低可以压缩到200 fs,重复频率可以从10 KHz到10 MHz可调,可用于多光子显微成像、激光生物调制等多个生物医学光子学研究领域。

The femtosecond fiber laser system (BlueCut, Menlo) outputs high-power femtosecond pulses with tunable repetition rate. The wavelength is 1030 nm and the maximum power is 10 W. The pulse width can be compressed as short as 200 fs. The pulse repetition rate ranges from 10 KHz to 10 MHz. This system can be used in multiphoton microscopy, biophotomodulation, and other related fields in biomedical optics.

高重频可调谐脉冲激光器(AVUS, APE)利用光参量放大器,在高功率飞秒激光的泵浦下,可以输出波长从610 nm到2000 nm连续可调的飞秒激光脉冲,其中在610 nm-1000 nm功率可以达到300 mW,在1000 nm-2000 nm范围最大功率可达1 W,可以用于多光子显微成像、多光子飞秒生物加工等前沿领域。

The tunable pulsed laser with high repetition rate (AVUS, APE) outputs tunable femtosecond laser pulses from 610 nm to 2000 nm by the optical parametric amplifier pumping with a high-power femtosecond laser. The output power is 300 mW at the range of 610 nm – 1000 nm, and 1 W at the range of 1000 nm – 2000 nm. This system can be used for multiphoton microscopy, biological micromachining, and other related fields.